Saturday, January 17, 2009

First Post!

I've had a tab open in Firefox on my laptop most of this week with open reminding me to name and begin this journal. I'm not sure what title I could use that will still feel right to me in a couple of years; it's pretty certain that I will learn and grow more by spending this time abroad than I can really imagine.

The adventures that prompted me to create this journal won't begin until after I graduate in May, but the two weeks I just spent in Egypt convinced me that I need a place like this to share my thoughts while I am away. Until then I will be using this space to organize my thoughts on past travels and prepare for the journeys ahead, so the wise among you may wait a few months before deciding to watch this journal. If, that is, you decide to watch it at all.

I am so excited to explore this incredible world we live in, and delighted to be able to share my experiences with you, dear people!


  1. Yay Kara! I love and miss you and am excited to know that I will be able to read your thoughts however far away we will be from each other in the near future. And by the way, it's your fault:

  2. Hi Kara! We'll be watching for updates from those journeys over the next year. You're going to be a busy girl! I'm horribly lacking at keeping up with my own blog. Best of intentions, not enough time.
